Sunday, October 21, 2007


Ok, to the very few people who read this blog, I need help, encouragement, Zanax, and/or booze. As you saw in my last children are adorable, angelic-faced wonders....who are driving me crazy! I can't believe that one minute I am marveling at their cuteness, intelligence, etc. and the next I am trying the whole count to 10 thing and praying that God is ok with spanking. Cuz in my head, I know that is what is coming next. I never dreamed that a soon to be 4 year old could figure out how to push every single one of my buttons worse than my older brother ever could. Will has such a temper (no clue where that comes from!) and is still quite prone to horrible fits. And Max is starting to give Will a run for his money on the temper tantrum thing. And poor Max, he just gets bullied around by Will. This is the action that I don't get and don't know how to fix: Every time Will gets mad, he hits Max. And the reason he is mad usually has nothing to do with Max. He is just a convenient punching bag. And Will's big saying now is "Mom, I just want you to be nice". Right back at ya buddy!

And let's just talk about bedtime. Should it be an hour long process? And I know..."you made your own bed...". Blah, blah, blah. I just want a peaceful end to my day. I want to brush teeth, read books, tuck them in, say "good night" and "I love you" and then be done. Oh, I am ok with and even expecting the occasional "Mom, I need a drink" and the like, but I am not ok with the screaming of my name from 2 different rooms. (And no one is screaming "Daddy"!)

Don't get me wrong, I love those two little burping, tooting, weinie-loving, dirty, stinky boys with all my heart. Lately though, they frequently make me want to run away from home. Pack my "I'm going to Grandma's" suitcase and head off down the street. Chances are, I won't.

They'd find me anyway!

1 comment:

Kelly from Montana said...

we put a dab of hot sauce on Luke's tongue when we can't get him to mind. seems to be more effective than spanking. the mention of it often curtails the behavior. i've threatened it at bedtime too. Luke loves his cars and dvds too - so sometimes they have to go live on top of the fridge for a few days if he gets out of bed. on the positive side we have done a good behavior chart with stickers for going to bed like a big boy, etc. after 5 or 7 stickers he gets a prize (car, movie, etc.) good luck!