Saturday, November 10, 2007

Glorious Evening

Don't you love it when things turn out so much better than you had planned?

Brian tells me a few days ago that he is going to go watch the KU football game with a friend tonight. Ok, no big deal. He's allowed. But just the thought of the ongoing bedtime fiasco all alone puts me in panic mode early. So I say to Will, "Let's have a movie night". He replies (too cute), "That was just what I was thinking!". So we do dinner, baths, lay out our blankets and pillows, and pop our corn. Not 10 minutes into the movie, Will wants to go upstairs. So fine...he has the attention span of a gnat...we go upstairs and look at photo albums. Then he says, "Mom, aren't you going to put Max to bed?". Which I had been contemplating, since only a 1 hour nap for him today and there was some serious hair pulling going on (him pulling mine=sleepy boy). It is only 7:15 but what the hay. I get Max all ready and he starts to fuss, so I rock him for about 5 minutes. I lay him down, half expecting him to jump up and demand more. Nope, he settles in, he's out. I go into Will's room ready for the next "fight" and he is dead asleep in his bed, covers up, teddy in his arms, snoring. HE PUT HIMSELF TO BED! I am in shock at this point because I can't remember the last time I had the night to myself starting at 7:30. So, long story with little substance. But it is such a nice feeling to not have to spend what is left of my evening trying to destress from the bedtime routine. I love it!

Big birthday party tomorrow for Will. First one with friends. We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Kelly from Montana said...

he is so advanced - not even 4 yet and putting himself to bed! love it - very jealous!